Monday, April 4, 2011

It's started...

I can officially say that the stress is starting to get to me.


When did this happen? How did I realize this?

About two weeks ago, I received my annual evaluation at work. I've been there for 4 years now! As I sat down with my manager (who is new to this particular position at our particular location) and chatted with her about the upcoming year- my goals, plans, etc...- I started getting on the topic of how crazy my life is going to be.

I am student teaching this year. I am moving this year. Twice. I am getting married this year. If my fiance gets the big job he applied for, I will change work locations this year after my wedding. I will also change churches, possibly sooner than expected. I am graduating next year. I will then attempt to find a job in the education field (if schools are hiring?).

Oy vey! I am going crazy!

That was just the start. After my lovely chat during my evaluation (I got a raise, by the way...) I realized that I am working as many as 35 hours at my job while being in school full-time. Aah!

Then I had my first official wedding breakdown on Saturday that caused me to cry. (And no, I don't want to get into it right now...).

Is this how the rest of my year is going to go? I hate to sound like Debbie Downer over here, but really, if this is how everything is going to be, then I would really just like to go and elope already!

It would definitely save us a lot of money.

If only...